Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shake My Coconuts

At the family home at the weekend my brother unearthed a 1970s Adidas bag of mine, stuffed full of variosity, including my Dad's WWII film developing tanks, including 2"x3" contact frames; a late 1960s puncture repair kit, including French Chalk, a small white crayon and the little piece of sandpaper; a "Tommy" souvenir T-Shirt (1975), and ultimately, stuck in the pocket, this back stage pass from 1983, for Kid Creole.

I remember two things from that night.

a) It was one of the few gigs that I went to when EVERYONE danced; it was infectious and wonderful.


b) The arse on the girl in front of me. It was quite the best. I think the fact that I remember her arse twenty years later pays testament to it's unchallengable quality.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nude Lebensraum Warning

I don't want to sound all Tory, and start citing Winston Churchil in the nineteen twenties, but it looks like Gerry in on the march again.

Apparently they want to march across the continent in the buff: BBC: Naked Stormtroopers On The Move!

Now that's what I call Shock Troops!

Put down your weapons!

Where did you put your helmet?

Just add your own gratuitously obvious puns here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fnnr Fnnr

When you run out of things to say: turn to filth.

Actual road sign in Hertfordshire, north of London.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well, Hello!

One of the great things about the place I work is the fantastic range of job titles.

Today, I discovered that we employ a Specialist Physical Activity Coordinator!

Can't wait to meet her!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Another Surreal Masterpiece

In my opinion "Steam Bending Wood" is every bit as good as "Eraserhead", if not better.

What do the wind chimes mean? Who is the mysterious stranger? Is he mute? What is he BUILDING in there?

Monday, September 07, 2009

Fnnr Fnnr Corner

I was sandpapering the oars this weekend, (that isn't a euphamism!), and on returning to the shed after fetching tea, discovered this!

What can it mean?

File under: rubbing wood; polishing the punt; rollocks.

Friday, September 04, 2009

William Henry Fox Talbot: Spontaneous Combuster!

Yes, the father of photography as we knew it (before those pesky pixels muscled their way in) like to let go as a youth.

From the WH Fox Talbot Museum. Lacock Abbey.