Friday, October 30, 2009

Overhead, Sadly

As I passed a crotchety old diner at John Lewis' restaurant, I heard her exclaim in shrill upper-class tones:

"When I arrived, he was cleaning it with Bicarbonate of Soda!"

Meanwhile, the vicarage over the road from us has an inebriately large collection of empty beer, wine and spirits bottles left out for the bin-men. It is my understanding that the man is living alone; but who does one contact about these things?

Meanwhile At The Archers School of Art

With news that "Phil Archer" actor Norman Painting has finally read his last script, it reminds me that it is amusing that his name sounds like a V&A corridor.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


OK, I can understand how a chap can get lonely living on a remote peninsula, weather-beaten by the worst storms that the ocean can throw at you. It's an isolated job in the coastguard out there on the perilous rocks, and one may decide that a little furry friend maybe just the thing to get you through those long days and nights in the face of those storms.

And I really DO understand why a pet would be welcomed in the outpost; but in all reality who would keep a DOG on one of dangerous rock faces in the British Isles?

OK, Fido gets a bowl of water; but what is his life-expectancy exactly?

Word of the Day


I'd explain, but I have no idea, and as you'll find, the Wiki answer takes you into Open University TV territory*

*There's one for our American friends to work out!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 05, 2009

Live, And Let Fly

As though those green little buggers aren't dangerous enough, MI6 are issuing them with 00 status.

Mind you, they're very bright, robust and adaptable, they have a way with words and are certainly take their personal grooming seriously, so they certainly exhibit all the necessary attributes.

Maybe Blofeld's cat has finally met his match.