Despite the IPCC's investigation into the police slaughter of an innocent Brazilian, and the subsequent misinformation intended to bolster the official line on the "terror" threat, leaders of London's Metropolitan Police still consider themselves blameless. Apparently, off-duty officers at the cricket were aware of the farce before the commissionaire was informed. And we look to the police to protect us?
Senior people are very good at deflecting culpability downwards, and always cite the same reasons for not resigning:
The lessons have been learnt, new procedures are in place which will prevent such mistakes happening again, and there is no point going on about errors made in the past.
We are at a crucial stage in achieving what we have set out to do, and resignations at this point of time would be unwise, what with me being so important and all.
One wonders if we should be putting something in their contracts along the line of a "responsibility clause", printed in bold on the front page:
If you fuck up, you're out matey!
to which we can all point when these slippery overpaid shysters begin to wriggle out of the crap they've got themselves into.
As Mr Terry Thomas would put it "An Absolute Shower!"
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