Friday, May 14, 2010

And The Winner Is....

Things are moving apace in Lord David "Dave" Cameron's new improved cabinet, but there has been some dissent from his new best friend Nick Leg.

Westminster School boy Nick, who won his place in the cabinet on a TV popularity contest, is questioning the set up.

"When I entered the TV contest, I'm sure that the prize was being Prime Minister!" said Leg. "In fact, when I was going on, I was really nervous, but the lady with the clipboard said don't worry, just go out there and tell them why you want to be Prime Minister", so that's what I did."

"Anyway, when I got to number ten, "Dave" told me that he had already been to see the Queen, and that HE was the Prime Minister because the Queen asked him already, which is really unfair because his Mum and Dad already know her, and it's unfair because I won the TV contest!"

However, it does appear that the boys have made up, and are now inseparable, although it is unknown whether they have actually become blood brothers with a rusty pen-knife or something.

Politic experts are yet able to ascertain whether any of this makes sense.

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