Shaken, Not Stirred!
Did you know that Welsh King of Rock 'n' Roll, Shakin' Stevens (real name: Herbert Burbidge) was actually performing under the name of "Shake-It Stevens" prior to his atmospheric rise to fame in 2001?
Shaky's name was changed at the insistence of his management once the singer had turned professional and headed towards international stardom.
However, details are vague regarding the origins of the original moniker.
"There are, of course, lurid and scandalous rumours," responded his agent, Murray Munt, "none of which have any foundation in the truth."
Shakey's former guitarist Owen Owen-Owens was also willing to defend Shakey's reputation. "Yes, back in the working men's clubs, I heard it said that he'd take the old fella out and shake it about to capture the miner's attention. I have to say that I never saw him do such a thing; although I did once see him use it to stir his coffee with, but I suppose "Stirring Stevens" doesn't have the same ring!"
We asked to speak to the social secretary of the Grim Valley Miner's Club about Shakey's appearances, but he remained tight-lipped, and refused to take part, although he did comment:
"Look boy, it was a long time ago, things were different back then, and the miners were a close group with their own customs. Shakey understood that. Now if you don't mind, I have to rod this lavatory!"
Fans will be delighted to hear that Shakin' Stevens will be appearing in pantomime at Bognor this winter where he will play Baron Hardup opposite Sinitta as Cinders and Souxsie Sioux as the evil queen.
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