Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have never been a lucky man, and I anticipated that my last week in my current position would be prone to disaster.

You know the movie bit when the cop is hoping to enjoy his final week prior to retirement, only to be rudely interrupted by the serial killer? Well, this is the arrival of my serial killer, in the style of Apollo 13.

This PC is the embodiment of my week. Confidentiality forbids me to divulge the circumstances, or the consequences of this situation, but this is not good, and this is image highlights my organisation's tenuous grip on its XXXXXXXXXX commitment, to which I hold responsibility.

The actual PC which holds the XXXXXXXXX software just packed up. Then we discovered that the back ups, and the contigency machine were woefully inadequate. Potentially my organisation, and ultimately ME could be in deep shit.

This dusty old PC was extracted from the archives and has been reassembled using bits of the important computer. So far, no one has noticed. Allah willing, no one needs ever to know. So keep it quiet!

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