Monday, February 02, 2009

It's A Living White Hell Out There!

When I was at school, there was one particular girl, of the spoilt little bitch variety who took every opportunity to act out her irritation at any possible source of annoyance. It was bad enough that the window blinds would rattle whenever a breeze passed through them, but her tutting and cussing would make the situation so much worse. Her manifest indignation would transform any mild nuisance into an ordeal for us all.

I've thought of her today, as I've endured the carping of my fellow citizens in the face of our mild dusting of snow as I travelled successfully to work (it took ten minutes longer than usual to get there, five minutes longer than usual to get home), and then attempted to get work done in the open-plan office amid the moaning hoards. Yes, it's inconvenience to all of us, but please don't belabour me with your meteorologically-inflicted personal tragedy. Maybe if you forgot about waiting for a bus and starting walking to work you might lose some of that weight.

Once in every 18 years ain't bad as far as white-outs go, and actually nothing really shuts down, it just slows down and requires a little more resource. However, it appears that we now live in a society that believes that everyone is entitled to enjoy an uninterupted routine regardless of the weather, economic circumstance or traffic congestion.

Whatever happened to the spirit of adventure? The bulldog breed? Sir Edmund Hilary, Captain Scott and Mr Whippy?

Yes, that's me in the corner in the shorts and T-shirt. Making a point.

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