Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We Will Fight Them On The Beaches

Give credit where credit is due, the Iranian leadership may be a bunch of fundamentalist tossers, but at least the have displayed an opportunist sense of humour. Yesterday, they appealed to the British Authorities "to exercise restraint" in regard to their approach to the mobs.

Meanwhile, as London burns and the Tories meet the forces at the belatedly convened COBRA* security committee, there was fun in the sand next door in Horse Guards Parade where there was a demonstration of Olympic Beach Volleyball !

Actually, holding any demonstration in Whitehall at the moment may have be construed as foolhardy, but fortunately the sight of those shapely young arses would be enough to calm the nerves of the most savage beast. I suspect that Mr Cameron et al may have ambled over after their talk just to have a perv under the pretence that they're enthused about next year's games. "Yes Prime Minister, that's... er...that's certainly worth, um, waiting for....blimey!"

Maybe that's the answer to the current disorder: a mobile beach volleyball tournament, available for deployment at any moment to any location.

Rioting?: "Look boys! Trim young lady's arses!" Then, as the hoodies' brains turn to mush, uniformed officers round them up like BSE blighted cattle.

Now that's what I call a "snatch squad".

(I've never actually been to a beach volleyball tournament. Do they actually perform to GoGo music? If they don't already, I think they should.)

*The rather cool and vaguely menacing title of the COBRA committee actually derives from Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, located in the Cabinet Office. Yes there is a Cabinet Office Briefing Room B, but A is bigger and accomodates more people.

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