Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Small Cat Diary

Our Tom Cat caught his first rat tonight!

We were enjoying a salad on the new garden table, when there was a kerfuffle behind the shed, from whence came a eeking and a squeeking, followed by the emergence of our Archie (eagerly accompanied by Alli, girl cat) head aloft with said rodent in his jaws.

In the confusion that followed, with me preventing him from giving Rodent1 a tour of the house, all three animals rushed to the flowerpots, where Ratty broke free. As Archie trashed the geraniums in an attempt at recovery, I stepped in—gloved—and removed the Tom to the shed and girl cat to the house, whilst the vermin climbed the fence into the ivy, where no doubt he still awaits nightfall.

Obviously, we're all proud, but have realised that we probably have another 12 years of this, and as my partner is of the "standing on a chair screaming" school of creature control, I will have to play Mellors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.