Monday, December 04, 2006

Stop This High Street Filth!

On passing Marks & Spencer tonight, I decided it was time to pop inside and stock up on socks and undies, and followed the signs to Menswear.

Suddenly, and without warning, I found myself in the Ladies Lingerie section, amongst the lurid scanty panties and uplift brassieres!

A quick glance around told me that my presence had gone undetected, so I elected to do what any sensible man would do in the circumstances and turned around immediately, volte face, with the intention of retracing my steps. However, having completed my tergiversation, I was SHOCKED to discover the men's underwear section directly behind me!

Yes, that's right; the men's underwear section was ADJACENT to the ladies' underwear section. Men's and Ladies "you know whats" SHARING THE SAME SPACE! Y-Fronts & Knickers were practically mingling with each other!

For the love of decency, are there no morals anymore? What were they thinking of? This is the permissive society incarnate! Is it any wonder that our society has descend into the cess-pit of debauchery and loose living that it is.

In Marks & Spencer of all people!

Its about time the Daily Mail did a double-page spread on this one.

As you can imagine, unwilling to patronise these pornographers, I made my excuses and left; I have my self-respect to think of you know.

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