Thursday, July 05, 2007

Bodybag On Platform One

Waiting to board the tube this evening, an announcement was made informing us that there were disruptions due to "a person under a train at Wood Green".

And indeed, as we eventually arrived at that station, it became only too apparent that there lay, just outside our carriage, the bodybag containing (one assumes) the "person", with a sole policewoman in attendance.

It's at times like this that the throwbacks amongst us let themselves be known, stepping forward with necks craned in order to gawp at the macabre scene.

Some even diverted from their route to the exit and walked back along the platform to have a closer look, no doubt entering into discourse with the guard of honour.

It's reassuring to know, should we reintroduce public executions, that there exists an eager audience no doubt prepared to to pay for the grotesque spectacle.

Remember to bring your own knitting.

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