I was the hapless recipient of a bizarre road rage incident earlier today.
On leaving the plumbers' merchant, I found my car hemmed in by another outside the newsagent. Aware that the other driver was probably only collecting the daily paper, I climbed in my car and sorted myself out, prepared to wait a minute for the other to move.
However, the passenger of the other car decided that it was probably best to begin signalling to the driver by sounding the horn.
The passenger sounded the horn rather a lot, so that when the driver, and aging jew with ridiculous classes, emerged from the newsagent, he assumed that I had done the honking. He stood before my car doing the cupped ear "did I hear something" gesture before shouting at me a waving his arms around. I pointed at his passenger, but this only exacerbated his rage which was epic.
He then felt compelled to act out the pantomime of taking an age to leave; slowly climbing into the car, sitting there a while, starting the car, sitting there a while, pulling forward a little bit, but not enough to allow me to leave, just to make the point. Then, before leaving, he pulled alongside, winding down his window and giving me a foul-mouthed tirade before driving off, bizarrely satisfied that he had won our row, no doubt in a heart-palpitating rage.
Pointless, and a lesson to us all of how not to live our lives.