Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is This It?

Today didn't start too well, and the job has been a little bit pointless recently.

Then, today, I find that my inbox includes and invitation to attend a "residential ventilation seminar".

Yes, a residential ventilation seminar!

Is this what my life has come to?

Maybe it's time to consider the tranquilisers/scotch cocktail.

Help yourself to my effects

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Hell In A HandCart!

OK everybody: there's a recession on!

Except in Northamptonshire, where they have nothing better to do than go round some old lady's house and measure the volume of a cat's purr.

OK, fair enough; if that's what you want to do with your life, let them get on with it, but witnesses inlcuded:

Daventry MP Chris Heaton-Harris, veterinary nurse Kaye James, Diana Johnson from Cats Protection, and British Airways captain Alisdair Tait.

A Member of Parliament and an Airline pilot attended a purring contest?

I'm sorry, but shouldn't they be elsewhere? You know: at work?

Maybe they're they are unemployed already? Possibly this is the future of unemployment?

I obviously know nothing anymore!

Monday, March 28, 2011



Whilst the world is gawping at the internicine fighting in the middle east (masquerading as democratic reform) Japan is drowning in radioactive liquid!

Apparently, according to the BBC, water leaking on the sight of the Fukashima nuclear plant is the most contaminated to be found at the plant so far, exceeding 1,000 millisieverts per hour.

(According to the internet a Sievert is a unit of radiation, and not one of those furry creatures that pooh coffee; that's a Civet).

Anyway, there was a moment of light relief, when Tepco , the hapless contractor in charge of the meltdown, originally claimed that radiation levels at reactor No 2 were 10 million times higher than normal. Imagine our relief when then realised their mistake and downsized it to a mere 100,000!

Phew, you had us there!

I also like the way that the "experts" interviewed to fill airtime on the subject are all nuclear industry people who have the look of "oh my god, I'm going to be unemployed!" about them. It doesn't help that they keep reiterating the mantra that this isn't another Chernobyl, MERELY another Three Mile Island.

Oh, that's all right then.

I think we need to keep watching Japan whilst that thing is slow burrowing it's way through the Earth towards us, and possibly emerging to wipe out the Middle East for once and for all!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gadzooks! Fetch My Cape!

London Underground are prepared to roll out wi-fi on the tube.

Boris Johnson is all for it:

"The roll out will finally allow Londoners to use mobile devices to pick up their e-mails and stay in touch with the world while they traverse our subterranean network."

Yes, our Mayor uses phrases like "traverse our subterranean network"!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Visit Third World At Post Office!

It's been a long time since I had to queue to claim benefits. The last time I claimed dole was 1978, and the final time I "signed on" as unemployed (although untitled to dole) was 1988, when I went to the social security office in Lewisham, where I was the only claimant who wasn't Irish, black or tattooed; and yes, there were some who qualified for all three.

I mention this as I realised how long it has been since I experienced the deprivation and soul destruction that is the long wait to have you number called amongst the hoi polloi.

This line of thought was triggered by a visit to the Post Office in Camden Town, where there is some cruel and unnecessary experiment taking place. You cannot queue in this post office, you have to get a ticket. There are four categories of ticket: Business, Special Delivery, Currency Exchange and Counter Services each with its own numbering system.

You take a ticket, and then wait for when your number comes up. And you wait. And wait.

There are seats provided, but they are full of the crazed, the local indolent and the elderly despondent.

I did the calculation: time to process one person times the number of tickets waiting, divided by the counters available. Ten minutes?

But what is this? People with Business tickets are prioritised! If a business ticket appears on the display board, it becomes the next number at the next available counter. Three business tickets means you just went backwards by three places! Then it is realised that the same applies for Currency tickets!

At least in the time now available, I was able to go back out to the high street and buy a) some tea, milk and bananas, b) a book (Seized, by Max Hardberger) and c) a cake.

On returning, my number was fifth in line to be served. I still had to wait ten minutes.

And the piece de resistance?

Twenty minutes plus after first encountering the squalor, I was finally served; albeit efficiently, but only to find the teller offering to sell me car insurance!

Royal Mail staff are being asked to sell car insurance to people who have been held against their will in a conditions that would appal a Mombassan prison guard!

How does that work? Is this what we've come to?

Now had I been offered euthanasia....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Richard Ayoade's Submarine

I can thoroughly recommend Submarine; provincial teenage existentialism encapsulated.

Actually,I can imagine that the younger audiences may find it a little difficult to sit through due to the cringe factor.

One note: does suffer from the poor light that blights most British Films.

The BIG News Stories

In a week where there is an abundance of news, with nuclear meltdowns, all out war in the Middle East and the chancellor's budget intentions, it's nice to know that the BBC is still able to run stories featuring the phrases booze apocalypse and sodomy ad ban


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know that the raunchy French sex-hit of the 1960s "J'Taime", was originally an advert for cigarettes called "Gitanes"?

Basically, it was the same music, but instead of the sultry moaning of the young chanteause Jane Birkin, it featured the tobacco-induced coughing of Serge Gainsbourg.

Serge later re-mixed the track after marketing testing amongst the target audience indicated that they'd rather listen to someone having it off than hacking it up.

Jane is now the director of France's leading chain of teeth-whiting clinics.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Ducking Gaddafi's Shit Storm

As the world watches Libya and deludes itself that civil war may produce liberal democracy, there are others that view the footage muttering "Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck" as they see their ill-gotten gaddafi gravy-train gains splash back from the the fan and discolour their careers.

For example: Thatcherite university LSE has been showing just how much money can be had by wallowing amongst dictators and oligarchs.

Elsewhere, the agents of ill-advised, yet admittedly greedy and amoral Celebrities have been phoning them up and breaking the news that the money has to go back.

It's rare that it comes to this, but their loss is our schadenfreude.

Oh Dear

For our American listeners: Carsi is arabic for lavatory, and is used in England as a vulgar term for the same.