Monday, August 28, 2006


Just finished a week of working on the house, some of which was successful.

Interesting how hiring equipment makes everything time precious: a bit like real work. No breaks, as any delay could lead to another day's hire charges.

Warning: don't hire a paint sprayer to paint the house.
a) they're expensive
b) they spray EVERYTHING, and you'll spend the entire next day fruitlessly attempting to remove paint from everything you'd didn't want to spray, only to conclude that you'll have to hire the big ladder again in order to paint over the sprayed bits to eradicate the erroneous spray that just won't come off,
c) you'll spend more time cleaning the paint-sprayer than you will spraying, as it clogs up whenever you attempt to run any PAINT through it.

Never again.

Oh, and forget about using the herbs in the kitchen side herb boxes: the paint sprayer gets them too.

However: one success. After two years, I finally completed the TV cabinet, which is in place, and has yet to collapse.

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