Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Philip Morris: The Environmental Cortez

As a smoker, I always had the problem of rationalising my choice to smoke, against my conscience that otherwise led me to the moral choice when providing consumer support to the forces of evil.

I wouldn't buy apartheid flavoured Outspan oranges, or Pinochet's Chilean wine, or use supermarkets that were bank-rolling the Thatcher government. So why should I give my money to the bastards in the tobacco industry who were beyond contempt?

Did I crave tobacco THAT much?

It seems that I'd underestimated the tobacco bastards. They're responsible for more than the average wrong-doing as environmentalist George Monbiot's Guardian article explains.

Want to know where those "scientific" refutations of global warming/climate change originated? Step forward Philip Morris, who shoved the whole tanker of doubt away from the quayside and out into the ocean of disinformation. Much of the unqualified lies perpetuated are still being cited as genuine research contradicting evidence of environmental decay.

It seems Philip Morris and Exxon were made for each other, and it's the Oil/Tobacco alliance that may win the political debate, at the cost of the earth.

I think the old analogy of cigarettes and coffin nails is a little bit more real after this.

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