Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Atheist Bus Goes Nationwide

Londoners have recently been treated to a number of buses carrying the message:

There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life

Having collected and unexpected windfall in support, those concerned have chosen to send the message out into the provinces.

A great idea, but it's a shame that those that featured in the
Guardian article are so self-seekingly irritating.

Reminds me of an old Sean Hughes line:

"I disturbed a burgular last night: I said; THERE IS NO GOD!"


yeahhh said...

Its ok, Christian Voice have decided to save us all by complaining to the Advertising Standards Agency on the grounds that the organisers would not be able to factually prove that there "probably isnt a God".

The Non Stop Shoebox said...

Bless them for caring!