Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another Great Book, Mr Gum

Just read Andy Stanton's "Mr Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire" , the follow up to You're a Bad Man Mr Gum.

Both a work of genius.

"Summer was almost at an end and the day stretched out long and lazy like a huge glossy panther made of time. The birds chirped in the trees, the rabbits chirped in their burrows, and a fox walked along the railway tracks whistling "Greensleeves" and thinking of a vixen he had once loved".


Anonymous said...

Wow, Mr. Gum looks wunnerful. As a soon-to-be-dad, I've been rekindling my interest in kid lit. Looks like nobody has it Stateside though.

The Non Stop Shoebox said...

I'll be carrying copies on me when I visit NYC in March.

The Non Stop Shoebox said...

I'll be carrying copies on me when I visit NYC in March.

Anonymous said...

hey, this is andy stanton here. yes, the sad truth is that i spend a lot of time googling myself these days.

just want to say thank you for your kind comments. and gosh darn it if the phrase 'non stop shoebox' doesn't seem weirdly familiar. do i know you from somewhere? are we long-lost pals? or is my (admittedly magpie) mind a-playin' tricks on me?

in any case, thank you again. thou art ace.


The Non Stop Shoebox said...

Message to Caterpillar Joe:
Thanks for the comment, you deserve all the praise you get.
Actually, no, to my knowledge we have never met, but I am willing to embrace you as a brother.
If the Non Stop Shoebox sounds familiar, I hope it's because we share a wordscape, nurtured by Beachcomber, Flann O'Brien & Milligan et al.
And if truth be told, you really do stand shoulder to shoulder with them, and not merely on their shoulders.
Hope you enjoy my ramblings on the Shoebox; I'm contemplating a site of more absurdist nonsense, for which I will be encouraging contributions.