Thursday, January 18, 2007

No Flush, No Town Hall

Well, due to an unprecedented Third World style power outage, we all sat around in the dark today waiting for the electricity to return.

Obviously, the Town Hall should have swung into it's full contigency procedure, and at least the registrars TRIED to deliver a service, considering that Births, Deaths & Marriages don't really need electricity.

However, as the hours past, and we all waited on standby, it became all too apparent that the adoption of the fully automated toilets would bring an early halt to the proceedings. (We have an old fashioned sink in our place, so at least it was possible to wash one's hands: a luxury denied that rest of the staff and visitors).

I only hope that they'll be sending in a crack troop of cleaning corps over-night to at least go round and wave a hand across all the auto-flush sensors.

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