Monday, January 08, 2007

Lebensraum Revisited

In our enlightened times, and in enjoying Europe's longest ever period of peace—thanks to the EU—it is considered inappropriate for any of us to fall back on the old cliches of portraying the Germans as domineering and land-grabbing, (an image still beloved of British tabloids), and instilled within the younger generations by our parents, who were forced to sacrifice their youth to stopping the Bosch back in 39/45.
It was common to hear phrases like "Let's face it, give 'em a tin of grey paint and a couple of helmets, and they'd be back at it all over again".
Such fears should have been allayed long ago, as Germany became the engine of the EU, not to mention its liberal conscience.
Unfortunately, no-one has told the Prussian Claims Society, a pressure group that are claiming reparations from Poland for the expulsion of Germans at the end of the last war. Yes, they want compensation for the possessions they lost!
A little insensitive, but Tories won't let a little bit of stereotyping stand in the way of them and their property.

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