Yes, it looks like litter doesn't it? Urban detritis; consumerist dandruff; whatever one wishes to call it.
However, peer closer! This looks like a glimpse of some dystopian future, where all unhealthy pursuits are outlawed, and thus driven underground.
Look at the culprit's stash, the high-in-fat, low-in-nutrition bag of "crisps", the tar-laden carciogenic cigarettes, and the accompanying lighter; itself a inflamable bio-hazard!
No wonder it has been secreted within the brick-work.
The perpetrator has been careless though, and will be additionally punished as a consequence.
The stash was a mere four feet above the ground, that is; within reach of an average eight-year old child, or a five-year old with a box. Or a three-year old with a stout older brother capable of lifting the little feller up to the deadly hoard.
And whilst we're in that ball-park, let's not ignore the one-year old babe being carried by its negligent mother; a woman no doubt otherwise pre-occupied by the rampant celebrity culture imposed upon our future selves by the oppressive authorities, with the cynical intention to ameliorate the frustrations incurred amongst the populace by the deprivation from the absence of junk food and mild narcotics!
Yes; you assumed it was just a hole in the wall, but the Shoebox sees the truth in EVERYTHING.
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